Photography Classes in Delaware by Photography by Lloydlee Heite

"Shooting for Success"
(Winter Session)
Photography Workshops

Everyone wants to take better photos, and Lloydlee and his staff can help. We have developed a series of one night workshops that can help you become a better photographer, faster than ever.
Each one night workshop concentrates on a specific topic designed to make you a better
photographer. You can choose just the area that interests you or you can combine several area for even greater savings. While some specific workshops depend on you attending the first one most do not! All workshops are from 6:30 till 8:30pm at Photography by Lloydlee Heite's Bridgeville Studio unless noted otherwise. Each workshop is $50, except for the model shoots which are $95 in advance and $125 at the door Pay for 3 Workshops and attend your 4th one for free. Class size is limited! All workshops are very hands on personal instruction.

January 7th, 2009 (W) Okay so I got a Digital camera, now what?Learn how to get the most from your digital camera including its settings, accessories and composition of beautiful images.

January 14th (W) Taking my Photography to the next level!A more advance workshop than basic. Digital SLR camera a plus. Learn about more advanced features and what they do, lens choice, iso setting, white balance, composition and much more.

January 21st(W) Setting up your Own Digital DarkroomEverything you need to know to set up your own digital darkroom including memory storage, computer requirements, art programs and how to print top quality prints from your printer.

January 24th (Sat) Shooting a D1 College Basketball Game.Get on the sidelines of a Division 1 College basketball game and learn how to take great sports action shoots. Come learn from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore's Official Sports Photographer Lloydlee Heite. You'll be right on the floor of the Women's and Men's games. Meet at UMES in Princess Ann Maryland at 1pm, to get set up and ready to go. Women's game starts at 2pm followed by the Men's game. The UMES Hawks take on Florida A & M. While these photos can be used for your personal portfolios, these shots cannot be re sold with out permission of the UMES athletic department and UMES University.

January 28th (W) Intro to Photoshop.Learn how Photoshop works and how to use it to improve and work with your photos. Basic lighting, and working with levels, hue, cropping and all the basics.

February 4th(W): More PhotoshopMaking composites, gift cards, actions, special art work and much more.

February 11th (W) Mastering the LightLearn Studio and location lighting, and why less can be more. Its the Quality not the Quantity!

Feb 18th (W) Shooting FamiliesHow to compose groups and families and how to make a professional portrait

February 28th (Sat) 10am - 3pm Glamour Photography "Swimsuit Safari" (Live Models)11am till noon Instruction on shooting a model. Then you will have an open shoot from 11 till 1 with individual models available of individual shoots from 1-3 Soda and pizza included.Click here for the latest info!

March 4th (W) Shooting High School Seniors and individuals.Why different is good... and how to please the senior and the parent!

March 11th(W) Mini Model ShootOpen model shoot, several models available!

March 18th (W) Marketing your photographyNewsletters, blogs, e mail and e books as well as tried and true methods of marketing your work.

March 21st (W) Making Money in Photography "Selling What You Shoot!"Who is my market and how do I make money from them? Let Lloydlee show you the way!

March 28th (Sat) Model shoot 10- 3 pm11am till noon Instruction on shooting a model. Then you will have an open shoot from 11 till 1 with individual models available of individual shoots from 1-3 Soda and pizza included.

DVD's of selected classes will also be available for Purchase

Photography by Lloydlee Heite
10277 Sunnyside Rd
Bridgeville, DE 19933
(302) 337- 8545

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