Lloydlee Heite’s Digital Photography workshop at Laurel Library

Award winning local photographer Lloydlee Heite will be presenting a one night workshop titled “Digital Photography A-Z” at the Laurel Public Library on Monday, September 22, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Carpenter Community Room.

Lloydlee will be discussing the basics of handling a new digital camera to more advance techniques now possible with this new and exciting form of photography.

“I hope to show everyone some of the possibilities that now exist in the digital photography world and just how to get the best photos possible with their digital camera”, says Lloydlee. We will be discussing many different lighting conditions as well as, great composition and expression. I will also be encouraging everyone to also think “outside of the box” when working with their photography.

I like to get my audience involved in the workshop, so I always include a question and answer period which will allow everyone the chance to benefit from my many years of professional expertise. That said, participants are encouraged to bring their cameras and questions to the open forum session.

Photography by Lloydlee Heite is owned and operated by Lloydlee Heite at 10277 Sunnyside Rd. in Bridgeville Delaware. With ideas on the leading edge of his profession, Heite remains alone at the top of the list of photographic artists in the portrait and wedding field today. His portraits continually challenge the photographic community to stand up and take notice. You can see some of Lloydlee’s award winning photography by visiting www.lloydlee.com.

No matter what your photography skill level is this will be a great time and everyone should learn at least one thing that will improve their photography. “So come on out on September 22, for a good time, good friends and great photography.” says Lloydlee.

So give us a call at 302-337-8545

to learn more or check out our website at www.lloydlee.com

Photography by Lloydlee Heite

10277 Sunnyside Rd

Bridgeville, DE 19933

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