Class of 2009: It's time to Schedule your Senior Portrait Session!

Photography by Lloydlee Heite, located at 10277 Sunnyside Rd, Bridgeville, DE 19933, is booking all Senior Portrait Sessions Now. We our offering a new way to view your Senior Portraits online. So no matter where your relatives or friends live everyone can view them with a click of a button.

To view your photos you go to and click on View an Event. Then you find your event and the given password and click on View an Event again there it will take you to a list of all our events and you find your own personal event and click on it. Finally you will enter your email address and the password in the exact same form. Pretty soon you will be viewing all of the wonderful portraits.

Please allow all of your photos to load before you view them all. Your photos maybe in categories so be sure to check out all of your categories. There are special features that you can use while viewing your event, such as the speical loupe tool that enables you to zoom in closer to faces. Also you can view two photos at once, which will help you pick your favorite out of two photos. In addition, you can put your most favorite photos in your own favorite folder. You can also enjoy soothing music while you view all of your photos in a slideshow.
Samantha is a Local Senior at Lake Forest High School, that wanted to have her Senior Portrait Session at her farm. She had many unique pictures at her location such as the barn scene, the small pond, and pictures taken with a horse.

Photography by Lloydlee Heite offers different locations such as the beach, the local park, your home, or even your farm. We go almost anywhere locally so you as a Senior get the best photos possible.

So call us today to set up your personal Senior Portrait Session! 302 337 8545
And don't forget to check out for all of your Photography Needs.
Photography by Lloydlee Heite
10277 Sunnyside Rd
Bridgeville, DE 19933

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